History & Geography
During our history lessons, the children will develop an excellent knowledge and understanding of people, events, and contexts from a range of historical periods and of historical concepts and processes.
This knowledge has been carefully specified within the sequence of the unit, year group and key stage to ensure it builds upon previous knowledge and prepares the children for future learning.
Teachers will assess the pupils throughout the learning sequence to ensure that the children can retrieve and apply their knowledge effectively. This will be achieved through low stakes quizzing, retrieval practice and end of unit assessment pieces.
As the children progress through their history programme of study, teachers will focus on the retrieval of previously taught knowledge and skills so that children build a rich schema of knowledge which they can apply to future learning.
The children will also be taught the skills required to think critically about history and communicate ideas confidently in styles appropriate for their age and for a range of audiences. From this, the children will be given the ability to think, reflect, debate, discuss and evaluate the past, formulating and refining questions and lines of enquiry.
During our Geography lessons, we implement a progressive geography curriculum that builds effectively on prior knowledge and skills year on year. To grow World Citizens, our progressive curriculum focusses on a variety of places: from UK; to Europe; North, South and Central America; and Africa. Their understanding of how their local area fits into the wider world is therefore gradually accrued. The lessons and knowledge have been carefully specified within the sequence of the unit, year group and key stage to ensure that it builds upon previous knowledge and prepares children for future learning.
Teachers will assess the pupils throughout the learning sequence to ensure that the children can retrieve and apply their knowledge effectively. This will be achieved through low stakes quizzing, retrieval practise and end of unit assessment pieces. As the children progress through their geography programme of study, teachers will focus on the retrieval of previously taught knowledge and skills so that the children build a rich schema of knowledge which they can apply to future learning.
The children will revisit geographical skills and knowledge in order to embed and deepen understanding. They will develop an excellent understanding of ‘Spatial Sense’, being able to use geographical tools such as maps, atlases, globes and technology to understand the world more. The children will be taught skills which require them to think critically and enable them to become resilient learners.
Children will be given the opportunity to research local issues and previous geographical events. They will be able to debate and evaluate decisions and become healthy advocates.
Please find useful links below
Should you have any questions about the curriculum, please contact Mr Joseph via info@thelight-school.org