Our Classrooms & Class Sizes
Below are images from some of our classrooms
The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes
Research by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) shows that class sizes below 20 pupils give the best results.
In addition, 39,088 primary children were in classes of 36 or more pupils, and of these, 16,571 children in classes with 40 or more pupils.
The average class size in UK primary schools is 27.1 pupils
However, the 2017 Government figures revealed that there were over half a million primary school pupils in classes of 31-35 children
At The Light Christian School we keep our classes small – at an average of just 12 pupils per class. Being a small, happy school, we are dedicated in enabling all our children to achieve their full potential.
Whether your child works better in smaller groups or just wants an engaging education, smaller classrooms can offer numerous benefits for both students and teachers.