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At The Light Christian School we strive to
make sure all our students are safe in school,
at home, online and in the community.
Our staff are here to keep our students safe
and secure and to promote their personal
safety and well-being.

Our commitment to safeguarding encompasses ways how we ensure our students feel secure, confident and independent. The school has a duty of care and the right to take reasonable action to ensure the welfare and safety of its students. If a member of staff has cause to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or any other form of abuse, the school will follow child protection procedures and inform Children’s Services of its concern. Wherever possible we will discuss concerns with families and work with them to support the child.

At The Light Christian School our Safeguarding leads are:

If you have a concern that a child is being harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure (intentionally or unintentionally) you must contact one of the designated safeguarding leads as quickly as possible.

We are committed to providing a secure environment for pupils, where pupils feel safe and are kept safe. In adhering to our Child Protection and Safeguarding policy, and the procedures therein, staff and visitors will promote a climate where pupils and adults will feel confident about sharing any concerns that they may have about their own safety or the well-being of others and will contribute to our delivery of the Every Child Matters ‘five outcomes’. Our policy is one element in our whole academy arrangements to Safeguard and Promote the Welfare of Pupils in line with our statutory duties set out in section 175 of the Education Act 2002.

All staff, including temporary staff and volunteers are subject to stringent background checks including clearance with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to ensure their suitability for working with children. All eligible staff and volunteers are required to undertake relevant safeguarding training yearly. Whilst the prime focus at The Light Christian School is to secure the best educational provision for the child, we recognise that the safety, welfare and care of children is paramount.

We are therefore committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted into our care at all times.

We ensure that arrangements are in place for:
  • all reasonable measures to be taken to minimise the risks of harm to children’s welfare
  • all appropriate actions to be taken to address concerns about the welfare of a child, or children, working to agreed local policies and procedures in full partnership with other local agencies
  • all persons working at this academy to be made aware of this policy

We recognise that some children may be the victims of neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Staff will often, by virtue of their day to day contact and knowledge of the children, be well placed to identify such abuse and offer support to children in need.

In order to protect our children, we aim to:

  • Create an atmosphere where all our children can feel secure, valued and listened to
  • Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse
  • Respond quickly and effectively to cases of suspected abuse
  • Monitor and support children at risk
  • Use the curriculum to raise children’s awareness, build confidence and skills
  • Work closely with parent/carers and support external agencies
  • Ensure that all adults within our school/service who have access to children have been checked as to their suitability

The Light Christian School will support all children by:

  • Encouraging self-esteem and appropriate self-assertiveness whilst not condoning aggression or bullying
  • Promoting a caring, safe and positive environment within the school.
  • Liaising and working together with all other support services and those agencies involved in the safeguarding of children
  • Notifying Social Care Services via the approved mechanisms as soon as there is a significant concern.
  • Providing continuing support to a child about whom there have been concerns who leaves the school by ensuring that appropriate information is forwarded under confidential cover to the child’s new school.